They got me. I will be the first to admit it, but I think ultimately we outsmarted them, Mommy and I. Hopefully they don't know where we live cuz they might try to find us...
Wait, let me back up and tell you the whole story and you can tell me what you think.
So Mommy called the doctor to explain that I felt like poo still (she didn't say poo, I do though). So the doctor said that she needed me to come in cuz she needed a handsome baby fix.
I was skeptical, but I figured its wrong to not share my awesomeness with all the lesser people.
So I told Mom to pack me up and get me in the car so we could go make the doctor's day a little brighter.
We get there and they weighed me -- oh and there was a sketchy moment where mommy wasn't listening to me explain to her that I had *ahem* filled my diaper with more than just fluids. She caught it at the last second though so we didn't have a big mess that I was bound to get blamed for.
Everyone ooooo'd and aaaww'd over how super I am. Apparently the other babies of the world aren't as cool as me. I am now 18 pounds, 27 inches long and have a 17.5 inch head and this was on my 5 month birthday. Yeah, I am pretty rock star, what can I say. I made sure that Mommy heard that I am a pretty big deal. Sometimes she tells me "no" and everybody knows you don't tell superstars "no!"
You heard that, right Mom?
So the doc came in, listened to me with this thingy that hooked up to her ears and I wanted to chew on, but she gave me her finger instead. I told her that I have this tooth trying to pop up and it is taking its sweet ever lovin' time and driving me nuts. I also mentioned to her that I haven't been feeling too good, but I let mommy explain so that I could chew on her or suck my thumb.
So she told Mommy to change my meds a bit, and played with me a bit.
Now at this point I am thinking, "Sweet!!! Mommy let's blow this pop stand before these people realize they haven't given me any shots!" I gave my best "Duuuude, this is serious!" stare to Mom so she could understand the urgency of the situation.
Come on Mommy, we can be in the parking lot before they even know we've gone!
So I am trying to get Mommy movin' when the nurse comes in. I was just thinking I was in the clear and that mean lady pokes me! I started to yell, to rage about how mean it is for her to poke a baby for pitty's sake, when I realize she doesn't seem to have any other pokies with her. Only one shot?! I stopped crying and yelling immediately, looked up at Mommy and said "Step on it Ma!" and she hooked me up in my carseat/stroller and we raced out of there before they could decide to do anymore baby poking!
While I think the one shot stunk, I usually get three or more, so their only giving me one was clearly an oversight. Got lucky this time!