Monday, July 25, 2011

fifteen weeker and some 1sts

Okay I had an eventful last three days, so here we go with the updates!

First off, on Friday I turned 15 weeks old! I had been having tummy time, which between you and me, I hate tummy time. H. A. T. E. Totally can't stand it for the most part, I just lay there with my nose all smushed against the floor screaming, feeling quite abandoned. Mom and Dad swear it is important and keep telling me that once I learn to roll over I will be fine, but I think they are just evil. So while we were at my baby store Mommy saw this expensive thing that said it was a tummy time pillow, but she noticed it looked just like my big brother's travel pillow ... so she asked Micah if I could borrow it and turns out that it makes tummy time a bit more tolerable.

Yesterday I had a couple of firsts!I got my first Swimmy Diaper -- swimming is more fun when they let me skinny dip, but this wasn't bad.

I also got to try on my life vest, I hear I will get to wear it on Gramps' boat someday! It was kind of fun, but I was hungry and kept trying to eat it. For the record, its not edible.

1 comment:

  1. LUCKY!!! I didn't get to swim I was at my papa's house!



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