Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm a fish!

While it is absolutely still true that I hate baths, it turns out that I love skinny dipping.

It has been both hot and humid here lately and I really have a hard time dealing with it. If nothing else, the heat makes me sweat and that really hurts my still-healing head a lot. So we were over at TT and Gramps' house the other day and my Daddy and big brother went swimming. No matter how many fans I was in front of I was still just too hot so we decided to try a little dip in the pool. When I was okay with my feet in the water we took it further and soon I was in the pool having a good time. Mommy hadn't expected me to go swimming, so we didn't have any swimmy diapers so I just went commando. It was awesome. I loved every second of it, and felt much cooler. That is, until we got out and a breeze hit me, and if there is one thing I like less than being too hot it is feeling cold!

So as it turns out, I love swimming! I think the whole diaper/suit thing should be optional though!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been swimming my hole life and he's only did it once and your calling him a fish. Insulting

    (The better brother)


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