I am not sure if this makes me a Daddy's boy or a Mama's boy because it seems I had no chance of having normal skin with these two around. Seriously, not fair to a baby!
Anyhoo, so you know how I have had all sorts of sores and some weird scaly things going on since the beginning of time? {Editors Note: that means since birth} Well it got even more out of hand. It was hurting, and itching, and it spread like a leaky diaper! We had tried ointments, creams, this nasty spray stuff that will take me at least a month to forgive the doctor for even thinking about, much less recommending. Bottom line, we had tried lots. So finally we go to a skin doctor. Mommy and Daddy both have skin doctors -- see what I mean, I stood no chance.
So we go to this guy and I am pretty impressed that Mommy and I didn't tell him he was a goober. But the guy was, a very well paid, smart goober. But he had some funny looking shoes and I just wanted to stare at them. He poked me (warm hands, I will give him that!) and looked at my head, my neck and my fingers. He asked lots of questions but moved so quick I had a hard time keeping up. Then he told Mommy something that Mommy and Daddy had both already decided -- I have excema. Why we needed Dr. FunnyShoes to tell us that I don't know, but we did I guess. So he makes this big deal out of how bad my skin looks, and how "inflamed" I am. I was like all "Duuude, this is better than last week!" But here's a before picture to give you an idea.

That's my neck and really you can't see all of it because I was asleep and Mommy didn't want to wake me and move me. But everything on my throat and under my chin looked like that. When it got that bad my doctor and my parents agreed enough was enough and sent me to Dr. FunnyShoes. It hurt a bit, but it itched like crazy! And I will tell you this, I am soooo sick of those annoying socks my parents make me wear on my hands. I can get those suckers off in like 10 seconds now, yay me!
So he goes on about how
bad my case is and I check and Mom looked calm so I figured it wasn't
that bad. Then he started to share some brilliant {insert eye roll here} advice.
Don't bathe him in hot water. Hot? Hot water, um, are you aware I am a baby? Babies don't get bathed in hot water! What do you think I am slipping in the spa after a long day???
No perfumes. Dang, so we totally just wasted money on that new bottle of cologne!
Keep his nails short. Well there goes my hopes for a good mani pedi with french tips!
He said I can only wear cotton, and recommended a special shampoo, lotion, etc... he gave me a prescription for something and insisted that I needed to be seen in a week so that we could see if it was working and again said it was because I was such a "chronic" case. I was a bit worried because he was such a Debby Downer, but Mommy explained later that its no biggie, I have already been through the worst of it and that he was just one of those over reactive types. I felt better.
But what really made me feel better is the prescription he gave us! Seriously, you saw how "bad" I was before, check me out after about 36 hours on my new meds:
I look even better today, I will share a picture later. So I go back on Monday, and we'll see what Dr. FunnyShoes has to say then!