Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4 month check up

I think I am finally on to them. It seems that we do this doctor thing like every two months at least. Today I had another torture session, you know the ones they call "well child checks."

Yeah, who are they kidding?!

Bad news first, I had shots. Three of them. They really hurt. I mean really, I cried a lot, and I am totally man enough to admit that. They also made me drink one, and I did suggest they switch me over to the drinking medicines from here on because I am a total champ with those. Even if they taste bad, I have been taking medicine for a long time now and I am quite good at it.

On to the good news, I weigh 16.8 lbs now. It must be a skinny day cuz I swear I can pull off 17 lbs but I guess that is a goal to work toward. I am in the 75th percentile for weight, but here is the coolest news: I am now 26.75 inches tall/long which is the 98th percentile. Sweet, I am officially tall! I also had a 17 inch head, which is 75th percentile for head circumference. So when my peeps say I am a big baby they ain't kidding!

I also get to go to a dermatologist soon, he is going to fix my scratchies so I feel better. I will also be going to an eye doctor, still holding out hope for a cool pirate eye patch!

As for the tummy issues I have the doctor is prescribing a totally new medicine. I am hoping it helps me feel better. If not, we go back and she said we will figure out what I need because she doesn't want me to feel icky any more than my family does.

I feel good about the appointment, but my legs are a bit sore from the shots. I have to go back for a couple more in a few days, we didn't want to give me all of them at once because they make me hurt. Mommy is spoiling me and we are doing lots of cuddling, so it will be okay.

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