Tuesday, August 16, 2011

just the coolest discovery EVER!

Okay so I know I have hands, and I get how they work about 80% of the time. The other 20% the things seem to go rogue on me and smack me in the face, but that is another story.

I found my feet.

Seriously, these are almost better than hands. First off, Mommy doesn't put them in socks nearly as much as she does with my hands. I think this is because I haven't figured out how to scratch my itchy head with them ... yet. Soooo working on that. But she lets me keep my feet bare most of the time, except every now and then when she has these "cute" shoes she has to foolishly try to make me wear. I don't like shoes, and personally I have noticed she doesn't wear shoes often so I think its mean to try to make me wear them. But I digress, the point is that I can usually get the shoes off in like 37 seconds now, so I am able to play with bare feet a lot. I can reach them most of the time and I have even tried sucking on them -- which incidentally tickled a lot.

So my thought for the day is this:


Best. Toy. Ever!

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